The Tracy Family History
Woods Gap Today, 2

Jarman Gap Road looking east. This is totally in the Park and about 30 yards east of Skyline Drive.


Jarman Gap Road where the Appalachian Trail crosses. This is totally inside the Park.


Jarman Gap Road looking east. This is totally inside Shenandoah National Park.


Jarman Gap Road looking west from end of State Maintenance; park land is on right and private land is on the left.


Jarman Gap Road looking East.  Road here is state maintained.


Jarman Gap Road looking west. The road is in the park with park land on the right and Appalachian Trail land left.


Jarman Gap Road looking west. The road is in the park with park land on the right and Appalachian Trial land on the left.
    Originally a gap, then a trace, then a wagon road; eventually a road for cars and trucks. Now it has gone back to being what God intended, just a plain old gap.
   For generations our people passed through here to visit in Albemarle and Augusta Counties.
    Sit on a log and use your imagination and watch the full British and Hessian armies captured at Saratoga (chapter 47) marching by on their way to prison camp at the Barracks. Also, watch Stonewall Jackson and his army march through the gap on their way to battle.

    There are more photos of Woods Gap in the previous chapter 52.

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